
Yuya Taguchi


I have been playing soccer overseas for 4 years and have visited about 24 countries. I like to be in contact with different cultures and people from Japan, and now I am experiencing foreign cultures through soccer. In New Zealand, I started to take an interest in environmental issues, and I am now living a vegetarian lifestyle despite being an athlete.



I am writing Vegan×Football with the theme, “As an athlete, I am trying to convey the appeal of vegetarianism and veganism. I myself have been a vegetarian for a year now, and I am beginning to feel the benefits of faster recovery from fatigue. I would like athletes who seem to have no connection with vegetarianism to try it, and I think there are things that athletes can convey because they try it. I communicate about my daily struggles and pains as a vegetarian athlete, and what I feel after studying not only nutrition and health, but also environmental issues.



What it’s like to play football abroad.
What do you feel through playing football?
Having left New Zealand and experienced football in Spain, I feel that my perspective on football has clearly changed. I write about my views on football in New Zealand, Spain and Japan, comparing them with my own experiences of playing football.



This blog is about what I have studied and my opinions on environmental issues. I write about environmental issues with the motto of “easy to understand.



I write about the differences in culture and values that I have experienced through living abroad. I would like to share my opinions about the unique Japanese culture and “atmosphere” that I have noticed only because I have lived abroad. I cherish the moments when I realized that what I had taken for granted was not so.